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412007, No. 86, Tomorrow Road, Liyu Industrial Park, Tianyuan District, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province
Contact Phone
WhatsApp:+86 13973326303
Contact: Chen Lianlian 13973326303 Huo Shuqiang13607335099
Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)
Hot isostatic pressing (Hot IsostaticPressing, referred to as HIP) process is to place the product into a closed container, to apply the same pressure to the product, while applying high temperature, under the action of high temperature and high pressure, the product can be sintered and densified. Hot isostatic pressing is an indispensable means for the production of high-performance materials and the development of new materials. Hot isostatic pressing can be directly formed by powder, and the powder is packed into a jacket (similar to the function of a mold). The jacket can be made of metal or ceramics (low carbon steel, Ni, Mo, glass, etc.), and then nitrogen and argon are used as pressurized media to directly heat and pressurize the powder. Or the molded castings; Including aluminum alloy; titanium alloy; high temperature alloy and other shrinkage cavity casting thermal densification treatment, through hot isostatic pressing treatment, the casting can reach 100% densification, improve the overall mechanical properties of the casting.
Some of our products as raw materials, has been widely used in the field of HIP.